Christmas Hampers for the Community
During December our tutor groups have been filling hampers with Christmas items and then, as a group, have decided who they would like to receive the hamper.
During December our tutor groups have been filling hampers with Christmas items and then, as a group, have decided who they would like to receive the hamper.
Last week the Parent Power School League Tables 2024 were revealed in the Sunday Times where North Leamington School was ranked 3rd as the best comprehensive school in the West Midlands – this is a wonderful recognition of the hard work of students, staff, parents and carers.
On Thursday 23 November our student International Leaders met with students at our partner school, Anjuman-I-Islam Girls High School, Mumbai by video call.
Staff at North Leamington School showed they had 'The X Factor' when they performed in front of over 320 students on Friday 17 November to raise money for the BBC's annual Children in Need appeal.
During Tutor Time last week, students took part in activities and discussions as part of Anti Bullying Week.
This year’s theme was ‘Make a Noise about Bullying’, with the main topic being ‘Banter vs. Bullying’ which came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year in the UK. ‘We wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. The nature of the activities will encourage young people to consider what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying. ‘
We are delighted that following an invitation from Friends of Christchurch Gardens to exhibit in Art Box our student's work is now on display.
This morning, the whole of North Leamington School came together outside in the school courtyard for a Remembrance Service.
The Computer Science Department is launching its next CISCO Networking Academy course … Linux Unhatched!
Last half term all Year 9 students gained an understanding of the main concepts of cyber security through an online platform called ‘Cyber Explorers’ developed by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). We were also fortunate to have had some ‘live’ lessons delivered by Gogglebox star Baasit Siddiqui!
Our Year 12 & 13 students enjoyed a post-18 careers event on 19th October, arranged by Mrs Barley-Morey our CEIAG lead and Mrs O’Donnell our Careers Co-ordinator.
Representatives from a host of local companies, including Wright Hassall Solicitors, WPR (Public relations-B’ham), Coventry Building Society, Third Kind Games and the Armed Forces joined us for the day and our students were able to talk to them in small groups to learn about the range of opportunities that are available within these sectors.
Universities including Warwick, Aston, De Montfort, Cardiff, Loughborough, Falmouth, Oxford Brookes, Worcester and Coventry, along with apprenticeship providers such as Keller Engineering, Warwickshire County Council & the NHS, were also available to give advice to students on Higher Education and training opportunities.
We are so grateful to all those who supported our event on the day and the student's feedback showed they really enjoyed the event which will help them in making informed decisions going forward in relation to their post-18 career journey.
As an International School we want to provide opportunities for all of our students to experience the world in different ways. Our Year 7 students enjoyed a trip to Birmingham Botanical Gardens to enable them to get a taste of different natural environments e.g. rainforests and deserts in the glasshouses. The students attended over three days in October with their Tutors in their Colleges which also gave them an opportunity to build relationships within their Tutor Group.