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  • The CISCO Networking Academy course Linux Unhatched is launched

    Published 10/11/23

    The Computer Science Department is launching its next CISCO Networking Academy course … Linux Unhatched!

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  • Year 9 students achieve third on the Cyber Explorers High Achiever Schools Leaderboard

    Published 10/11/23

    Last half term all Year 9 students gained an understanding of the main concepts of cyber security through an online platform called ‘Cyber Explorers’ developed by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).  We were also fortunate to have had some ‘live’ lessons delivered by Gogglebox star Baasit Siddiqui! 

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  • Year 12 & 13 Careers Event

    Published 25/10/23

    Our Year 12 & 13 students enjoyed a post-18 careers event on 19th October, arranged by Mrs Barley-Morey our CEIAG lead and Mrs O’Donnell our Careers Co-ordinator.

    Representatives from a host of local companies, including Wright Hassall Solicitors, WPR (Public relations-B’ham), Coventry Building Society, Third Kind Games and the Armed Forces joined us for the day and our students were able to talk to them in small groups to learn about the range of opportunities that are available within these sectors.

    Universities including Warwick, Aston, De Montfort, Cardiff, Loughborough, Falmouth, Oxford Brookes, Worcester and Coventry, along with apprenticeship providers such as Keller Engineering, Warwickshire County Council & the NHS, were also available to give advice to students on Higher Education and training opportunities.

    We are so grateful to all those who supported our event on the day and the student's feedback showed they really enjoyed the event which will help them in making informed decisions going forward in relation to their post-18 career journey.







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  • Year 7 International School - Botanical Gardens Trip

    Published 24/10/23

    As an International School we want to provide opportunities for all of our students to experience the world in different ways.  Our Year 7 students enjoyed a trip to Birmingham Botanical Gardens to enable them to get a taste of different natural environments e.g. rainforests and deserts in the glasshouses. The students attended over three days in October with their Tutors in their Colleges which also gave them an opportunity to build relationships within their Tutor Group.

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  • We Are Supporting Macmillan’s Coffee Morning on Friday 13 October with a Cake Sale

    Published 05/10/23

    As part of our charity and community work, we will be supporting Macmillan’s Coffee Morning on Friday 13 October with a cake sale 

    Students are invited to bring in cakes to the Year Lead office (C037) on Friday morning, before the start of period 1. 

    Cakes will be sold at break time for 50p each.  The proceeds will support Macmillan’s vital work in funding Macmillan nurses, answer calls on their Support Line, give financial support and more.

    Any questions, then students can ask Mr Butler in C037.

    Thank you in advance for your support.


     Thank you to all students who brought in a selection of fantastic cakes and to all who supported the event in buying cakes    




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  • Sixth Form Open Evening Thursday 9 November 18:00 - 20:00

    Published 04/10/23

    You are invited to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 9 November

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  • Year 7 & Year 12 - Meet the Tutor Evening Monday 16 October

    Published 02/10/23

    An information evening for our Year 7 & Year 12 parents is taking place on 16th October  2023 from 4.30-6.30pm

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  • Open Evening Wednesday 27th September 2023 18:00 - 20:30

    Published 06/09/23

    On Wednesday evening (September 27th 2023) we welcomed prospective Year 7 students to North Leamington school where they had the opportunity to look around the fantastic facilities on offer and meet students and staff.

    Each department had a variety of activities on offer which  included a dinner party in English, experiments in science, food tasting in Food Technology,  dance performances showcased in the dance studio, and the opportunity to try the facilities in the Sports Hall and Gym.




    In our market place visitors could meet with our Assistant Senior Student Leaders where  opportunities included the Equality & Diversity Leaders’ quiz,  a chance to  win a cake with the Charity and Community Leaders and to  find out all about our five Colleges  with our College Student leaders and learn about the Duke Of Edinburgh schemes.  Teams were available to share information on Careers advice and  Student Support which included meeting  Lulu our school dog as well as tasting samples of food from our Catering team



    In the theatre Head Teacher, Mr Lowdell, welcomed all our visitors and families and to also hear from our Senior Student leaders and three of our Year 7 students who shared their early experiences here.


    A reminder the deadline to apply for a secondary school place is 31 October and more information can be found here at the Warwickshire County Council website

    Thank you to everyone who came to our Open Evening.


    Open Evening Invitation
    We welcome prospective Year 7 students to our Open Evening on Wednesday 27 September from 18:00 to 20:30.

    Head Teacher talks will be at 18:15 & 19:00

    Come and find out all we have to offer and how we support all our students to reach their potential.

    You can meet teachers, take part in exciting activities and explore our fantastic facilities.

    Our students will be offering tours throughout the evening.

    We look forward to meeting you. 

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  • NLS Celebrates GSCE Results

    Published 24/08/23

    We are delighted to share, once again, that our students here at North Leamington School have received fantastic GCSE examination results. On behalf of all the staff at North Leamington School, we would like to congratulate each and every one of them, for their hard work and positive attitude throughout the year.

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  • NLS Celebrates A Level Results

    Published 17/08/23

    Congratulations to all students in Year 13 at North Leamington School who have yet again received outstanding results!  Such results, which places the school in the very top percentiles for performance nationally, have been a trend in place for many years now. We are so proud of all our students - not only in what they have achieved academically but also how they have developed as terrific, well-rounded and caring individuals. 

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  • NLS Staff member's visit to The Ypres Salient and The Somme

    Published 20/07/23

    On Monday 3rd April I had the honour of laying a wreath on behalf of NLS dedicated to the eighty-three boys who gave their lives in two World Wars so that we may live ours. Below is a wonderful account and pictures from Mrs Walsh of her trip to share. 

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  • Student End of Term Messages

    Published 19/07/23

    The following presentation has been delivered to students as part of our end of term messages this week. 
    Students have been updated on arrangements for September and a reminder about uniform expectations for the term ahead.
    The presentation also includes useful information to student on how to access advice and support over the Summer Break.


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