Sixth Form Update - Spring 1
Wow – another half-term has flown by and we find ourselves at the mid-point of the academic year already! I trust your children have had a good one and hope that this communication finds you well.
As this third term is drawing to a close, we are delighted to note here how our Sixth Form continues to be a highly successful one populated by terrific students who really embody our core values: commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence. All of this was manifest in the generally excellent approach seen to the Mock Exams. We are sure those very many students (a record number!) who have applied to join us in September 2025 will keep these high standards up and they can look forward to the pre-Easter Interview process - where we very much look forward to meeting with them.
The Oxford and Cambridge interview successes of two of our excellent Year 13 students will stand out for some but hopefully the below will give an indication of the rich, diverse and highly successful Sixth Form we have here at NLS.