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Student Support


Tips for Wellness 

Tips for Wellness - Being Active

Tips for Wellness - Being Mindful and Taking Notice 

Tips for Wellness - Be You

Tips for Wellness - Bouncing Back

Tips for Wellness - Change

Tips for Wellness - Connecting

Tips for Wellness - Digital Detox

Tips for Wellness - Empathy

Tips for Wellness - Friendship

Tips for Wellness - Get Outdoors

Tips for Wellness - Gratitude

Tips for Wellness - Kindness

Tips for Wellness - Laughter

Tips for Wellness - Learning

Tips for Wellness - Mindfullness 

Tips for Wellness - Motivation 

Tips for Wellness - Persistence 

Tips for Wellness - Positivity 

Tips for Wellness - Relaxation

Tips for Wellness - Resilience

Tips for Wellness - Rest

Tips for Wellness - Setting Goals 

Tips for Wellness - Sleep

Tips for Wellness - Strength

Tips for Wellness - Stress Awareness  

Tips for Wellness - Transition

Tips for Wellness - Trying New Things


When a person’s or group of people’s behaviour, over a period of time, leaves someone feeling one or more of the following: 

  • Physically and/or mentally hurt or worried
  • Unsafe and/or frightened 
  • Unable to do well and achieve 
  • Being made to feel badly for being different, alone, unimportant or unvalued
  • Unable to see a happy and exciting future.

Advice for Students

If you’re being bullied – tell someone, at school and/or at home. You can also get help here
Bullying on social media – how to report and block it (from TikTok, to Instagram, Periscope and WhatsApp) 

If you would like to talk to someone outside of school about any other issues affecting you, you can find a number of useful phone numbers, websites and apps at Compass