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Personalised Provision


Through inclusive practice and the belief that everyone matters equally, Personalised provision gives students an enhanced curriculum using a range of Interventions that are appropriate to individual need.  This is through a timely and graduated response drawing from a range of internal and external professionals.


In our Nurture provision we offer a range of interventions, which are tailored to individual need and are based on a graduated four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review). Through this cycle, actions are reviewed and refined as understanding of a student's needs and the support required to help them secure good outcomes increases. We also offer students a safe space where they can feel comfortable during social times.


Our ‘refocus’ area is a place where students are able to reflect on their behaviour or the choices they have made.  We work with a cycle of Relate, Rupture, Repair.  This can help support a more positive outcome for the students allowing them to move forward with their education. Students complete a reflection with the room lead enabling them to move forward positively as quickly as possible.

Enhanced Transition

Tailored for a smaller number of student to support with the transition from primary school to secondary school.  To ensure that students who have not met the SATs standard are given the resources and support necessary to have a more successful outcome in secondary school, both academically and emotionally.


This space is to support persistently absent students in school, to provide a structured, supportive environment where students can re-engage with their education, address underlying issues contributing to absenteeism, and develop strategies to improve attendance

Role Name Email
IEN Team Lead Personalised Provision Faye Davies
Refocus Manager Jas Sokhi
Reset Manager Alice Green
Enhanced Transition Caseload Manager Wendy Adams