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Mental Health


Our aim is to promote good mental health and wellbeing amongst all stakeholders and, as a whole staff body, to intervene early with those young people who are experiencing difficulties. Intervention to support students in building resilience, and managing worries through to specialist counselling is offered using a graduated approach, using external professionals where required, and in communication with parents/carers.

We also work with a range of external agencies to offer parent and carer workshops which are regularly signposted on the website and via whole school communication.

In our curriculum we educate our students about the ways they can look after their mental health and wellbeing as well as their physical health.

The 5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing
  • Connect with others
  • Be physically active
  • Learn new skills
  • Give to others
  • Pay attention to the present moment

There are times when our young people may struggle, for example, following a bereavement. When difficulties occur in their lives, there are several means of support that can be accessed.
Firstly, parents and young people can complete the online CAHMS Dimensions Tool.

This is a simple questionnaire, which produces a report and indicates any areas of concern. There are self-care links, which identify helpful strategies, useful agencies, information, advice and websites. It is a good idea to save a copy so that you can share with professionals if required at a later date.


RISE provide help and advice from mental health professionals. If you would like to book onto one of the courses RISE run for parents/ carers or a consultation you can do so at the RISE website


This document shows the information sessions available by zoom, with dates and times, available for Warwickshire parents and carers

RISE - Information sessions for Warwickshire Parents and Carers

Our Student Support and Engagement team are available to provide a listening ear to young people who are struggling to manage their emotions.
Lulu, our school dog is also very helpful for young people who are feeling anxious!

Following assessment, if necessary, we may put appropriate intervention in place internally, or refer to other agencies, such as the Education Mental Health Practitioner CAMHS service.

Name Role E Mail
Stef Parkins   Mental Health Lead
Young Carers 
Other Support

Websites and Services:

Anna Freud - Support for young people and families


Grief Encounter - supporting bereaved children and young people

Kooth - an online mental wellbeing community

Mind - Free Mental Health Support

Papyrus - Preventation of Young Suicide

RISE - Information for parents/ carers how to access support for children's mental heath

Calm Harm
- Helps to manage the urge to self-harm. Signposting to resources.
Grief Support for Young People - created by Child Bereavement UK.

Moodometer -tracks mood, and helps to identify triggers for low mood.

Self-Help Anxiety Management -Anxiety tracker, information and self-help toolkit.

Stay Alive - Help and information, assists users to stay safe.

Please view our Tips for Wellness below