Physical Education - GCSE Option
Head of Department: - Mr M Brannan
Examining Board: OCR
What Will I Study?
- Component 01: Physical Factors Affecting Performance - Students develop their understanding of socio-cultural influences on participation in sport, and the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness and well-being.
- Component 02: Socio-Cultural Issues and Sports Psychology - Students explore how parts of the human body function during physical activity and the physiological adaptations that can occur due to diet and training.
- Component 03: Practical Performances - In the practical performance, students demonstrate effective performance, the use of tactics or techniques and the ability to observe the rules and conventions under applied conditions.
- Component 04: Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (AEP)- Students are required to demonstrate their ability to analyse and evaluate their own or a peers practical performance to produce an action plan for improvement.
What Skills Will I Develop?
Our GCSE in Physical Education equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to develop their own performance in sport. Students develop their knowledge of the social-cultural and psychological influences on levels of participation in sport and also how sport impacts on society more broadly. They also develop skills in data analysis and an understanding of the principles of training, why we train in different ways and how training plans can be made to optimise results.
How Will I be assessed?
Students will be assessed in the four component areas including two theory exams (weighting 60%), practical performance in three different Sports (weighting 30%) and Coursework (Weighting 10%).
Due to the to the practical nature of this element of the course, students taking GCSE PE are required to be competing regularly in sport(s) outside of school.
For more information please see the Physical Education Learning Journey and Curriculum Overview.