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Health & Social Care - BTEC Option

Head of Department: - Miss C Howard 
Examining Board: Pearson
What Will I Study?

Component 1: Human Lifespan Development
Learners will explore different aspects of growth and development and the factors that can affect this across the life stages. They will explore the different events that can impact on individuals’ physical, intellectual, emotional and social development and how individuals cope with and are supported through changes caused by life events.

Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values 
Learners will explore health and social care services and how they meet the needs of service users. They will also study the skills, attributes and values required when giving care.

Component 3: Health and Wellbeing
Learners will explore the factors that affect health and wellbeing, learning about physiological and lifestyle indicators, and person-centred approaches to make recommendations to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing.

What Skills Will I Develop?

This qualification is for learners interested in taking a hands-on course alongside their GCSEs that will offer them an insight into what it is like to work in one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK: Health & Social Care. The course covers some of the fundamental aspects of health and social care, including growth and development, health and social care services and values, and health and wellbeing, giving learners a broad introduction to a sector that transects a wide range of careers from social care and social work to many different branches of healthcare. The breadth of this course allows learners to identify their strengths and interests to help inform next steps in education and training.

Using realistic vocational contexts, learners will acquire sector-specific knowledge and technical skills, exploring a range of healthcare conditions and social care needs and considering how the different healthcare and social services available can help meet individuals’ needs as well as the common barriers to access and obstacles to care. They will learn about physical, lifestyle, social, cultural, economic and environmental factors affecting health and wellbeing and how to make recommendations for improvement using person-centred approach.

The Tech Award combines theory with plenty of practical application, giving learners the opportunity to develop key skills relevant to the health and social care sector such as research techniques and measuring physical health, as well as developing their written communication skills as they create health and wellbeing plans. Through the two internally assessed components, learners complete realistic tasks and activities that allow them to fully connect knowledge to practice and evidence core knowledge, understanding and skills.

This Tech Award allows learners to apply their knowledge in a vocational context. Achievement of the qualification opens up a wide range of progression opportunities, including A Levels or a BTEC National in Health and Social Care.

How Will I Be Assessed?

 a table showing the components studied and assessment

* Pearson Set Assignments (PSAs) are set by Pearson, marked by the teacher, and moderated by Pearson

For more information please see the Health & Social Care Learning Journey and Curriculum Overview.