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Drama - GCSE Option

Head of Department: - Mrs D Hill 
Examining Board: Pearson / Edexcel
What Will I Study?
Component 1 - Devised Performance Non-Exam Assessment (NEA)

Students will:

  • work in a group to create and develop ideas to devise a piece of drama
  • devise from their own choice of stimulus
  • perform this piece of work

Students can perform in a group, sized from 3-6 performers. The group can also include up to one designer from each design role. The design roles are set, lighting, sound and costume.

Students will also produce a written portfolio to analyse and evaluate their process and performance which can be made up of:

  • annotated photographs, drawings and sketches
  • annotations and notes
  • audio and or video evidence
  • written responses
Component 2 - Text for Performance Overview

Students will interpret and explore a performance text and perform two key extracts from it. Students can perform a monologue, or as part of a duologue or group. The group can also include up to one designer from each design role. The design roles are set, lighting, sound and costume.

Component 3 - Theatre Makers in Practice Overview

This is a written exam which is similar to an English exam

Section A: An Inspector Call JB Priestley, Students will practically explore the set text to be able to answer short and extended response questions. These questions will focus on decisions made as a performer, a director and a designer. An extract from the set text will be provided in the exam paper.

Section B: Two questions requiring students to evaluate a live theatre performance.

The exam will include a source booklet and a question paper. Students will be able to take notes in for Section B.

What Skills Will I Develop?
  • Building Confidence and Resilience
  • Inspiring Creativity
  • Developing Collaborative Skills
How Will I Be Assessed?

Component 1-The Devising Process 40% - Internally assessed, externally moderated

Component 2-Text for Performance 20% - Externally assessed by a visiting examiner

Component 3-Theatre Makers in Practice 40% - Externally set and assessed examination – a written examination which is 1 hour and 45 minutes. The paper will include short and extended writing questions and will be made up of two sections.         

 For more information please see the Drama Learning Journey and Curriculum Overview.