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Food Preparation and Nutrition - GCSE Option

Head of Department: - Mrs F Ross
Examining Board: AQA
What Will I Study?

Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the following areas of food:

  • Food Nutrition and Health
  • Food Science
  • Food Choice
  • Food Microbiology
  • Food Provenance

Students will have a balanced curriculum of the theoretical and practical aspects of the course, developing knowledge that is transferrable and relatable to the world of work.  Students looking to have a career in the hospitality, sports, medical or food industry this is a perfect link to a future career path.

In Year 10 – students will continue to follow a spiral curriculum to develop a deeper understanding of the five areas. In addition students will complete a wide range of complex dishes enabling them to develop time management, dexterity and problem solving skills through a practical situation.

Year 11 – students complete  Non- Exam Assessment (NEA)  tasks worth 50% of their final GCSE which is completed in school.  These assessments have both a practical and written aspect to them and in order for students to have success it is imperative they are able to have some ability within both areas.  They will then prepare for the final examination through specific exam preparation lessons.

As there is a practical element to this course students will need to be organised with providing ingredients required to complete practical work.

What Skills Will I Develop?

Students will have a sound knowledge of every aspect of the food industry from the manufacturing to the nutritional value of food.  However, more importantly students will develop the ability to reflect, analyse and problem solve through the practical aspects of the course. 

Students are able to read and successfully follow a recipe adapting as they work, their skills and knowledge are not only transferable to other subjects but can be utilised in future careers.

How Will I Be Assessed?

One written examination of 1 hour & 45 minutes worth 50% of the final mark.

The exam paper consists of multiple choice, short answer, structured and free response questions.

Non-Exam Assessment (NEA)

Students will need to submit two NEA pieces which together are 50% of the final mark. Students can choose from a list of tasks provided by the exam board and these will be completed in school under exam conditions.

Task 1: Food investigation - worth 15%

An example of the type of investigation you will be required to do could be ‘Investigate the impact of gluten in the formation of bread’

You will complete the investigation and then compile a report detailing your findings.

Task 2: Food Preparation – worth 35%

An example of the type of task you will be required to do, ‘plan, prepare, cook and present a range of dishes, using a variety of skills, from the Mediterranean culinary tradition.’

You will need to research, plan, prepare and make a selection of dishes under exam conditions, to complete this task.

For more information please see the Technology Learning Journey and Curriculum