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Y9 Options- Careers Guidance

Careers Information Advice and Guidance     

NLS is committed to offering all students independent and impartial Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG.)

Careers Support Available

Careers Advice at NLS

Ms Heather Rhule is our Careers Advisor at NLS.

Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey, Assistant Headteacher, is the Careers Lead.

Ms Rhule is available for careers interviews with all students throughout their learning journey from Year 7-13. However, should students require further support with respect to their option choices they can request an interview with Ms Rhule and where possible we will try to accommodate.

Ms Rhule can be contacted on:

Grofar is a Careers Service Platform NLS uses to develop and log the journey students take on their ‘flightpath to your future’ at NLS.

Year 8 were sent an invite last year (Y7) and can use this link

or type into the address bar.

Students use their school e-mail to log in and there is a ‘forgot your password’ button if needed.

The Dashboard – is a Personal homepage with a summary of all the information and events relating to an individual student.

The  main areas of Grofar can be accessed via the  portal button in the top left corner and include:

Activity – a timeline of all careers related activities that have been accessed

Action Plan – identification of strengths weaknesses, favourite subjects to give focus and direction

Personal Statement

Calendar – shows events you may be interested in and meetings scheduled with NLS Careers Advisor

Resources – careers websites and developmental   games

NLS careers provision

• Placements - Work Experience

• Destinations data

•Notes and Attachments

Morrisby is a software package to help  students to make suggestions about which career might be suitable for a student and what qualifications/training this would involve

The Morrisby Quiz is designed to enable students to:

  • Identify their work styles and environment preferences.
  • Identify the qualifications they will need to undertake a range of careers I’m interested in that are suggested by the questionnaire.
  • Use information gained to inform their GCSE options

Students have already had an opportunity to access the package in school but will only have been able look at a few different careers during the lesson so parents/carers are encouraged to support their child in accessing their Morrisby account at home.

This is the link to the sign in page:

The code to access their account is MC436G8K