Textile Design
A Level
Exam Board: Eduqas
Subject Leader: Mrs K Nelson
This course has been designed to provide opportunities to develop a broad foundation of critical, practical and theoretical skills that offers students a holistic understanding of a range of practices in the Art Textiles field. The programme of study builds on experience and personal response developing imagination and critical and reflective thinking.
How is the course organised and assessed?
In Year 12, students will produce a portfolio of work based on a theme or subject of their choice. These projects must demonstrate a sustained investigation into a theme or idea. Students will also be set an external task which will take a very similar format to the portfolio project, this time however, the titles are set by the examination board and students will have to complete the project in 10 hours under supervised exam conditions. Both these projects will be internally assessed, but not submitted for external moderation until Year 13.
In Year 13, students undertake a personal study which involves an extended investigation into a topic or theme of their choice. The external examination project is set by the exam board, and requires students to respond to a theme or title. This will be completed in 15 hours under supervised exam conditions. In addition, for the personal investigation, students are required to complete a 1000 - 3000 word essay investigating a theme or question which closely compliments and shapes their practical project.
In both years, students portfolios and examination projects are assessed according to these four assessment criteria: research, exploration, recording, and development. The portfolio contributes 60% towards the total mark and the external examination project contributes 40%.
What's next?
Many of our Textile Design students go on to take the Art Foundation course at Warwickshire College. A number also go on to study at university with degrees in Photography, Journalism, Fashion, Digital Publishing, and Visual Communication.