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  • Information re Results Days 2023

    Published 19/07/23

    Year 13
    Results day for Year 13 is on Thursday 17th August.

    Results are available between 9am and 10am.
    Students must collect their own results and for any students not able to attend results will be e-mailed to their school e-mail address later that day.

    Year 11
    Results day for Year 11 is on Thursday 24th August.

    Results are available between 9am and 10am. Students must collect their own results and for any students not able to attend results will be e-mailed to their school e-mail address later that day.

    On results day we will also be enrolling students to the Sixth Form, more information regarding this will be sent by the Sixth Form Team in due course.

    Year 10
    GCSE Results day for Year 10 is on Thursday 24th August.

    We will post home all results that day however, if any students would prefer to collect their result in person they can do this at 9:15am from school. Results can only be collected by the student themselves.

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  • Summer Music Concert Tuesday 18 July

    Published 12/07/23

    Tuesday evening saw a really successful summer music concert where our students performed a variety of pieces ranging from 'Arctic Monkeys' through to Chopin.  Performances ranged from soloists playing flute, piano, euphonium and singing to rock bands, pop choir, steel pans and our wind band.


    The finale involved a local choir called 'Village Voices' join us and perform with our pop choir and wind band to give a great rendition of 'You will be found' from the musical 'Dear Evan Hanson' and the popular track 'Don't stop believing'.  

    The Music department would like to thank everyone involved with the event as it was certainly one of our best yet! 




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  • NLS Students Sporting Successes

    Published 07/07/23

    We are delighted to share a number of sporting successes our students have achieved this summer.

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  • NLS Celebration Evening

    Published 07/07/23

    On Thursday 22 June we celebrated our students at our annual Whole School Celebration Evening.

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  • Year 11 & Year 13 Students enjoy their Proms

    Published 07/07/23

    Our Year 11 and Year 13 Students, and staff involved with these year groups, enjoyed their Proms over the last week.

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  • NEU Strike Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July -read our plans for all Year Groups here.

    Published 05/07/23

    Our operating plan for the next two days of Industrial Action to be held on Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July is detailed below.

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  • BAFTA Young Game Designer Finalist

    Published 30/06/23

    A fantastic achievement for Samuel Nwabunor (Year 11) who was chosen as a finalist in the BAFTA YGT Game Concept category this year.  Samuel has said that this concept submission was two years in the making, “I feel so excited as this is the third time I have entered so finally making it this far is crazy!”

    Samuel’s describes his submission (World Canvas: Comic comes to life) “Imagine a world where everything you draw on your tablet comes to life!  All fun and excitement until you realise the world around you is under attack from enemies that come straight out of the tablet too.  Your mission is to use your art and imagination to rid the world of these enemies.”

    The awards took place on 22nd June and was live streamed.  You can see how Samuel got on here:

    An absolutely fantastic achievement from Samuel which we are very proud of him here at NLS.

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  • Year 9 Students Enjoy Paris

    Published 30/06/23

    Thirty five students from NLS have enjoyed a 4 day visit to Paris where they had the opportunity to practise their French, learn more about French culture, and visit a number of French landmarks.

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  • Year 8 enjoy Paris

    Published 26/05/23

    Our students had a fantastic time in Paris.
    Where do I begin? The year 8 students were excited, energetic & enthusiastic throughout our trip and an absolute delight. I could not be more proud of every single student  . The trip was fantastic albeit the journey home was a little frustrating however, it was measurably one of the best experiences I have had in my career. The accommodation was very impressive with extensive grounds for students to enjoy some quality time with their peers. Animateurs organised a range of onsite events that allowed the students to have fun, work collaboratively and supportively. The students enjoyed a disco in the marquee on the final night. Although the songs were (in my opinion) questionable, the students had a ball.

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  • Success at Town Championship Athletics Competition

    Published 25/05/23

    Our Year 9 and Year 10 athletes had a successful afternoon yesterday at the Town Championship Athletics event at Edmondscote.

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  • Transition Event Virtual Coffee Morning for parents/carers of Year 6 students who will be joining NLS in September

    Published 18/05/23

    Parents /carers of Year 6 students who will be joining NLS in September are welcome to join our Online Coffee Morning

    As this will be an online event, TEAMs invites are being sent with the details to join. 

    This will be an opportunity for parents and carers to hear from the transition team and gather additional valuable information. 

    We hope as any of you as possible can join us online on Tuesday.

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  • Year 7 enjoy their first residential opportunity at Whitemoor Lakes

    Published 09/05/23

    137 of our Year 7 students have enjoyed their first residential opportunity at the Whitemoor Lakes Activity Centre during the weekend of April 21st

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