Year 8 Update - Summer 2
And just like that Year 8 will be in Year 9!
I want to start by saying a huge thank you to all parents / carers who have supported the school and I this year. We continue to work incredibly hard as a school to embed routines to form positive habits for our students to promote the best engagement of learning
As students have grown in confidence throughout the year they have established themselves as a polite, respectful, enthusiastic year group who are eager to get involved in all aspects of school life. Our aim is to ensure all students continue to feel happy and safe in school and provide opportunities to further instil confidence allowing them to believe that they can achieve anything.
We have had a superb set of tutors this year, who have supported the students. Tutors have a pivotal role in the outcome of our students’ attitude to learning levels, consequences as well as their academic progress. This is through their work in delivering the tutor curriculum, with structured student self-reflection and review opportunities (and also in promoting the school ethos being respectful, organised, committed and kind.
I am extremely proud that Year 8 also achieved over 6000 reward points more than the next leading year group and the tremendous team spirit they exhibited during Sports Day and the Maths Bee events recently.
Year 8’s compete in this year’s Maths Bee.
Year 8s displayed their academic flair competing in this year’s Maths Bee last week. This is a very competitive event centred on Maths trivia. Working in their Colleges students demonstrated fantastic teamwork and great communication skills with Blackdown winning the competition. The atmosphere was electric. It was very pleasing to witness such resilience and determination from our students working through each round during the event.
Year 8 Sports Day
Year 8s also enjoyed participating in a hugely competitive Sports Day this week. Year 8 leaders ensured each student was signed up to an event and were prompt arriving. I want to take this opportunity to commend our Sports Leaders for doing an incredible job organising and assisting students throughout the day and am very proud of the amount of team work and support displayed towards their College & Year group peers. Their motivation was inspiring with each student determined to persevere and aim for a winning spot. It will hopefully have been a memorable day for all students in each College, a fantastic event at the end of term, and certainly a highlight of my year.
Bring on next year’s Sports Day.
Celebration Evening
It was a real delight to present a number of Year 8 students with a range of awards at the recent Celebration Awards Evening. Prior to the event, all staff were asked to identify and nominate students for outstanding efforts in the classroom and contributions to the wider school community. Over 100 students were nominated for a variety of reasons, such as: excellent leadership and initiatives being displayed, superb progress made in KS3 subjects, and exemplary attitudes being shown in all aspects of school life. It was a privilege to recognise Year 8 students, with the following winners and runners up:
Our Celebration Evening news item on the website has fuller details of the evening with all the Award winners and more pictures.
As mentioned earlier Year 8s have had the HIGHEST REWARD POINTS since the beginning of the school year and have achieved nearly 6000 points ahead of the next Year group. Reward points have been awarded for a number of reasons:
- Working Well
- Leadership
- Progress
- Resilience
- Perseverance
- Independence
- Excellent Home learning
- Acts of Kindness
- Reasoning
- Outstanding contributions
Overall Winners
The top 10 students with Reward points this year are:
Student achievement - progress to target grades
Year 8 Rewards Event
On Thursday 13 July the 50 students who have achieved the most reward points in each year group were invited to the Summer Rewards Celebration Event in recognition of their positive contributions to both lessons and the wider school community. We hired a range of inflatables and the students had a lot of fun celebrating! A massive well done to those students invited.
Year 8 Rewards Leaders
I would like to thank the Year 8 Reward Leaders have supported the tracking of reward points for each College and their significant input in supporting the organisation and running of the celebration activities and events at the end of each term. Exceptional teamwork and commitment was demonstrated by all involved.
Year International Leaders.
The International Leaders have shown fantastic initiative and leadership. This half term they have supported our Fair Trade group to organise a bake sale to raise money and awareness about Fair Trade. They came up with the great idea of having a prize for the most Fair Trade ingredients and the winning cake is below.
Our Leaders have also supported the eco-workshops over the last few weeks when we invited over 220 Year 5 students from our local primary schools to make hedgehog houses and explore our allotment. NLS students also assisted the Year 5 students plant seeds and answered their questions about secondary school. They have been a credit to NLS.
Tutor Curriculum
During Tutor time Year students have had the opportunity to learn, lead and contribute to a number of curriculum themes which have included: Law, Crime and Society, Celebrating Differences, Apprenticeships, Dangerous Society and Physical and Mental Health.
We are hoping that the information shared has helped inform your child in how to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life and, ultimately, work.
Year 8 take part in the Physical Festival Challenge
Year 8 students have recently enjoyed working with Highly Sprung devising and performing as part of the Physical Fellowship Festival.
The Physical Fellowship Festival challenges young performers to engage in an intensive devising process, over 2 artist residency days in school with Highly Sprung artists, to create a 20 minute piece of thought provoking and inspiring physical performance to showcase their talents as part of the festival week.
On Wednesday 21 June and Thursday 22 June students spent 2 days working with a Highly Sprung Director, Emily, to create their performance piece.
On Thursday 6 July, students then spent the day at the Belgrade Theatre. During the morning they took part in workshops with professional theatre companies such as Fourth Monkey, Infuse Dance and ZooNation. Students had a masterclass with Highly Sprung, a technical rehearsal in the afternoon, followed by a dress rehearsal in preparation for a public performance in the main theatre at the Belgrade, in conjunction with other local secondary schools and Highly Sprung Performance Company.
Year 9 Student Leadership Roles
Students have recently had the opportunity to apply for Leadership roles available in Year 9. These roles are Charity Leader, Community and Marketing.
Our Charity Leader promote fund raising and charity events at school, Community Leaders help improve school life and foster community spirit and Marketing help advertise and promote whole school events that take place throughout the year.
It was fantastic to have received and to read a large number of applications. We wish students every success in their new leadership roles when they start in September.
Parents and Carers
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this year. I hope that you feel your child has been given the guidance and support to achieve, but more importantly, to enjoy school life. I look forward to catching up with you all at the various school events next year. Have a fantastic summer.
Kind regards,
Mr Royle