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Year 8 Update - Summer 1

This half-term has again flown by in the blink of an eye!  There have been enormous amounts of progress, efforts and achievements from our Year 8 students since we returned to school on 8 April.  Over the course of the last few months of the school year, Year 8 will begin preparations for the end of year assessments and also for life in Year 9.

Tutor Curriculum

Since April, we have been covering some very serious topics in our tutor time PSHE lessons and, yet again, our students have approached and dealt with these themes with real maturity and diligence.  We have discussed crime in society and gang-culture in the UK. We have looked specifically at knife crime and its effects on young people and how to prevent it from happening.  We have also talked about county-lines and how to help victims.  On-line grooming and child sexual exploitation have also been covered.  I am extremely proud of our young people and, especially, in the way they are able to articulate their thoughts and ideas.

Students continue to enjoy the Career’s Job of the Week section of tutor time which has covered roles as a Herbalist, Illustrator, Judge, Learning Disability Nurse, Make-up artist and Newspaper Journalist this half term.

We have continued to develop our literacy skills and general knowledge in weekly quizzes and have also given our students a say in how they believe they could improve their lives at school.  These findings will be discussed at student council and student leaders will put forward these ideas for improvements to the Head Teacher.

Paris 2024


Our Year 8 trip to Paris gets nearer by the day!  The itinerary for the trip is as follows:

Friday 7 June

Saturday 8 June

Sunday 9 June

Monday 10 June

Travel to Château du Grand Romaine and evening entertainment

Disneyland Paris

Climb the Eiffel Tower then Bateaux Parisiens trip on the Seine and seeing the sights

Return home

Our ferry departure and return times are confirmed and we will have a very early start!

Departure from School: Friday 7 June 2024 – 5.00am for 5.30am departure
Arrival back at school:   Monday 10 June 2024 – 8.00pm approximately. 

We are now awaiting the final room allocations from PGL and once we have those Ms Jephcote and I will have a whole-trip meeting with the students in order to allocate rooms in a fair and friendly way.  I am happy to accept passports and EHIC/GHIC cards that we will store in school securely.


Its great or pleasing that our Year 8 students receive such a fantastic number of rewards from their teachers for their hard work, massive efforts and brilliant achievements.  Year 8  have amalgamated an extremely impressive 11,599 rewards this term with the top 10 achievers this half term being:  

Sports News

Well done to our girl’s rounders’ team who kicked off their campaigns with a couple of wins.  The Year 8 team played at a tournament and despite losing their first game against Myton, responded strongly and beat Campion 6 rounders to 3. 


Due to the strength in depth of the Year 8 basketball team, North Leamington were able to run two teams recent in fixtures.  A team travelled to Southam to play a friendly fixture and with a superb whole team performance, ran out 33-8 winners, with seven different team members getting on the score sheet.

The Year 8 Basketball team hosted Carre’s Grammar School from Lincolnshire to play the semi-final of the Junior NBA East Midlands tournament. Despite understandable nerves at first, NLS got off to a strong start and continued to dominate throughout the game. In a well-balanced attack, with every player getting on the score sheet, the boys ran out 46 -20 winners and earn themselves a trip to the finals in Nottingham on 6 June.  Brilliant sportsmanship from our boys!  Well done and good luck in the finals in June.

Finally we must also congratulate our Year 8 football team, or should I just describe them as the District Cup Winners?  An absolutely outstanding achievement from the team  and I congratulate them all for their amazing victory!

When we return to school on 3 June for the final half of the summer term, work will begin on getting ready for the end of year examinations for our Year 8 students.  With so much positivity from their teachers, I am sure that there will be some enormous successes for them at the end of the school year. 

Finally, I would like to thank all parents and carers for your continued support. It is very much appreciated.  I hope you have a restful half-term break.

Mr. Boyes
Year 8 Lead