Year 8 Update - Autumn 2

Well done, Year 8! What a fantastic term it has been; it's great to see your hard work and dedication paying off. It really is wonderful to see so many students continue to be involved in extra-curriculum events and student leadership opportunities. Keep up the excellent effort as you continue to learn, grow, and achieve even more in the coming year.
Tutor Curriculum
Students have been continuing their development of Digital Literacy by looking at safe practices, and how AI can be used in a positive way. In their Finance sessions, students have looked at budgeting and the importance of considering the value for money when making purchases. This term has also seen Anti-Bullying week where students have looked at how they can respect the thoughts and feelings of others, which is invaluable as they continue on their journey to be thoughtful, kind contributors to our community. Through the annual International Schools project Year 8 have been engaging with the United Nations Development Goals including looking at the impact pollution is having on our oceans, and how we can tackle it. The Careers Sessions have looked at different types of employability. Students learnt about Income Tax and National Insurance as well as their rights as well as their rights as employee.
Having received their data 1 report students have completed a self-reflection review and set a pastoral target and academic target which will be evaluated at the start of each new data cycle
Quality assurance continues to show some outstanding student leadership with leaders asking key questions to ensure deeper understanding, and encourage students to really think about the focus of the sessions. It really is a joy to see the growth of so much confidence.
With this in mind, we now have three Year 8 students who have set up lunchtime clubs. Isabelle J continues with the Debating Club, Lewis S started a Bingo Club earlier in the term, and Isaac M is starting a Lego Club. The confidence, independence and leadership shown in order to set up and run these initiatives for the benefit of others is impressive and all three students should be very proud of their efforts.
Whole School Events:
We have had a whole host of events this term including Remembrance, College Fortnight and National Anti-Bullying Week. All of these events allow students to reflect on theirs and others’ behaviours so that they can develop the qualities, standards and skills to be kind, compassionate and confident contributors to ours as well as the wider community.
The 30 students who received the most Rewards for their commitment to learning and wider school life were celebrated with a special rewards event, comprising of a festive Christmas film and popcorn. We have also embraced the Festive Season through our Christmas Jumper Day, which raised funds for Save the Children.
Year 8 have contributed to the Christmas Hampers ready to brighten up someone’s day.
It is always such a pleasure hearing how well the year group sports teams are doing. The Year 8 Netball team remain unbeaten in the league and the Year 8 Basketball won their first fixture of the season. The U13 Girls Football team took part in a 7 team small-sided Football tournament where they stormed through the tournament, winning all six games, scored over 20 goals and kept a clean sheet in all six games. The Year 8 Football team recently secured a 2-0 win over Kineton.
Rewards and celebration:
As ever celebrating achievements is one of the most pleasurable aspect of our roles so a huge congratulations goes to the all of the following students for their outstanding commitment to their school journey by having the highest number of rewards.
A fantastic total of 44254 rewards has been accrued across the year group.
Top ten students across the year group:
Student | Tutor Group | Points |
Emilia A | 8BD02 | 324 |
Sophia C | 8BD01 | 314 |
Molly A | 8BD02 | 293 |
Jessica B | 8BD01 | 293 |
Gaia T | 8BD01 | 288 |
Isobel R | 8BW02 | 288 |
Sophie L | 8BD02 | 287 |
Elsa C | 8CT01 | 285 |
Tommy L | 8BD02 | 283 |
Jakob B | 8BD01 | 275 |
Top two students in each College:
Student | College |
Isobel and Nathaniel C | Binswood |
Emilia A and Sophia C | Blackdown |
Elsa C and Jude P | Croft |
Robyn F and Katie V | Manor |
Esme B Eleanor S | Park |
Outstanding students in each Tutor Group
College | Student | Student |
Binswood | Alex A | Lewis S |
Blackdown | Sophia C | Emilia A |
Croft | Kieran S | Jude P |
Manor | Hugh S | Ava S |
Park | Chloe H | Barney S |
Well done to 8BD01 in the lead position with 4998 rewards.
Highest Achievement – this award recognises those students who are working above their target grades in the highest number of subjects.
College | Student | Student |
Binswood | Isobel R | Annie L |
Blackdown | Jamie B | Ollie H |
Croft | Freya W | David R |
Manor | Eleanor A | Katie V |
Park | Alex S | Esmie B |
Upcoming events
Year 8 Subject Evening 13 January 2025.
Year 8 World of Work event 12 March 2025.
A reminder for those able to join us on the Paris trip to complete the required details via parentpay including your child’s passport number. The third payment of £120 is due by 6 January. We will be arranging a parent/carer information evening and details will follow.
We will continue to focus on uniform, attendance/punctuality, and behaviour, as we know these all impact on the outcomes for our young people. Tutors and support staff will continue to provide support to help guide Year 8 as they continue on their journey to being the very best versions of themselves.
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey
AHT Year 8 Lead, Careers Lead /Student Self Reflection Lead