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Year 7 Update - Autumn 2

As we come to the end of what has been a long, challenging but hopefully very rewarding first term at NLS, it has been wonderful to reflect on all the fantastic achievements of all students in Year 7 over the last 15 weeks. It really does seem a long time ago since they all joined us on a sunny day in September and it is great to see how fully integrated they have become with all aspects of school life.

Engagement levels within the classroom have been excellent throughout the term and highlighted by the impressive Attitude To Learning (ATL) grades received by students in the first set of data recently made available. What has equally impressed me, is the way they have embraced additional opportunities within school. This was typified by the high levels of involvement at the recent intercollege Sports events. A special well done to the Park footballers and Manor netballers for winning their respective events.


At the time of writing (with nearly 2 weeks left of term) Year 7 students have achieved an amazing total of 31,082 individual Reward Points across the term to date and really reflect all the positive efforts occurring on a daily basis. The top 20 students in the Year Group can be seen below. These students, along with an additional 30 others, received an invite to the termly celebration event where they got to watch a film and enjoy some snacks away from their usual timetable during the final fortnight of term.

Further student achievements were celebrated at the end of term celebration assembly where students received certificates and entry to a prize draw for Amazon vouchers in a range of categories:

  • Over 70 students received recognition for having 100% attendance. No mean feat given the amount of illness around, especially towards the end of the half-term.
  • Students earning the highest reward points in each college also received recognition.
  • Students detailed in the table below received certificates for achieving above their target band in the highest number of subject areas.
  • Individual nominations for contributions to tutor time by form tutors and an overall contribution to the year group by Mr Foxon.

Another big well done to all students who earned recognition. The challenge is on for next terms awards come January.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a really Happy Christmas and New Year. A special thanks to all parents and carers for their support in making the transition to North Leamington for Year 7 students such a successful one. I hope everyone has the opportunity to refresh, relax and recharge the batteries ready to go again in 2023!

Mr Foxon