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Year 11 Update - Summer 2

As we reach the end of this academic year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journey our Year 11 students have been on and to share some final thoughts and updates with you. This year has been extraordinary in many ways, filled with challenges, growth, and remarkable achievements. Your parental support and partnership have been invaluable, and I am deeply grateful for your continued dedication to your child’s education.

Celebration Day

To celebrate the achievements of our Year 11 students, we recently held a leavers' assembly and prom event. During the day, students engaged in the tradition of commemorating their time at NLS by writing messages and well-wishes on each other’s shirts. It was a poignant and fun way for students to say goodbye to their peers and teachers. The signed shirts are a wonderful keepsake, capturing the friendships and memories of their school years. For those that ordered a Yearbook it is another special keepsake that celebrates the journey of our student, filled with photos, memories, and messages that capture the essence of their time at school. Students also collected their leavers hoodies, (if ordered) which have become a cherished symbol of their time at school. The hoodies, personalised with their names, are a reminder of the community and the bonds they have built. We hope that every time they wear their hoody, they will be reminded of their achievements and the supportive network they have around them.

The leavers assembly was a joyous occasion, filled with reflections on their time here and anticipation as we stand on the threshold of a new chapter. The highlight of the event was a special musical performance by two of our talented teachers Mr Rae and Mr Carey with a heartfelt tribute to the strong community we have built together.






Careers in Year 11 – Making it Happen

Our careers team are excited to share with you the career-focused activities that have been a part of our school's career education program for Year 11. Our vision is to support students in making informed choices about their futures and to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world of work.

Through their Tutor Time and PHSE curriculum. some of the careers based learning they have discovered included:

  • How to smash an interview (Manage career.)
  • Managing challenges and promoting self-esteem (Grow through life.)
  • Understanding money issues, credit scores and mortgages (Balance life and work.)
  • How to continue to secure good mental health and a work/life balance (Balance life and work.)

Year 11 have also spent time on their Post 16, and Post 18 options and how they can lead to a range of different types of careers through:

  • A mock interview with an external provider.
  • A careers fair that included a range of forty education, employer and training providers.
  • Their subject curricula where subject teachers have shared information and real-life stories of a range of careers and routes to those careers that link to their subject.

We very much value parent/carer feedback on our careers provision and would be grateful if you would complete a short survey  here as soon as possible.  This will help inform us of our provision and shape working towards National Quality in Careers Award.

GCSE Results Day

As we approach the eagerly anticipated results day, a reminder of some important information. This period is filled with a mix of excitement, anxiety, and hope, and to assure you that we are here to support both you and your child every step of the way.

Results day is a significant milestone, and we understand the range of emotions that accompany it. Here are a few key points to keep in mind as we approach this important day:

  • GCSE results day is Thursday 22 August.
  • Results are available to collect between 9am and 10am.
  • Students must collect their own results and for any students not able to attend, results will be e-mailed to their school e-mail address later that day
  • Members of staff will be on hand to both celebrate with students and to support as required with any post-results queries. We will also be enrolling students to the Sixth Form

. Thank you for being partners in their education and for your constant support.

Final Thoughts

Whilst for some this is the end of their journey with us at school, it is not goodbye. We encourage all our students to stay connected with us and to keep us updated on their progress. We also look forward to those who will be joining us in Sixth Form in September.  

As we wait for results day, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you, the parents and carers, for your unwavering support. Your encouragement and understanding have been crucial in helping your child navigate these challenging times.  Thank you for being partners in their education and for your constant support.  It has been a privilege to work with such a resilient and inspiring group of students.

Please ensure that your child knows that they can reach out to us at any time for support and guidance. We are looking forward to celebrating their achievements and supporting them with their future endeavours.

Wishing you all a wonderful and restful summer break. Let’s approach results day with positivity and confidence, knowing that our students have given their best.

Warm regards,
Mr Butler
Head of Year 11