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Year 11 Mock Interviews

We would like to thank all the visitors from a range of local businesses, providers and parents who supported us in running Mock Interviews yesterday for our Year 11 students and acted as interviewers.

The event was an opportunity for us to provide all Year 11 students with the experience of an interview, and for them to receive feedback from it, as part of our careers education programme to support them as they prepare for the world beyond school.

During the interview, students were also able to receive feedback on their CV which they had prepared during Tutor Time sessions previously.

As part of their preparation, the mock interview has been a topic during an assembly and students completed a tutor session on:            

  • How to prepare for an interview
  • The key elements to secure a positive interview
  • The questions that they will be asked

We are really appreciative of those who joined us as interviewers for your involvement, time and experience. The exercise offers students valuable feedback and a real-world interview experience that was encouraging and constructive; it was a really positive experience for our students.

Year 11 students taking part in mock interviews in our theatre   A student being interviewed

In addition to mock interviews for Year 11 we arrange a number of careers events across all year groups and we always welcome any support that you may be able to offer in expanding our students knowledge and understanding of careers, and the world of work, at our events. Details of these events  can be found in the careers section of our website NLS Website Careers.