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NLS Mock Election 2024

This week students have had the opportunity to be involved in our very own mock election here at North Leamington School.  The aim was to stimulate further interest in the real Election event and for students to engage with the democratic process.

Year 12 Politics students, Leo, Karim, Noah, Isaac, Raph and James each represented a party based on those who have taken place in the election debates on TV (Conservatives, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru (The Party of Wales), Reform & the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) and created a one minute video. (Whilst the students volunteered to represent the parties of their choosing they were not necessarily ones they personally believed in.)

Each student representative summed up in their campaign video

  • How to support the economy
  • How to improve the NHS
  • How to provide for young people
  • How to make the education system even better

Tutor time on Tuesday was dedicated to the Election. Students in all year groups were able to discuss what a General Election is, watch the campaign videos from the seven parties and discuss the four areas each had covered.   With time for students to then also reflect personally on what appealed to them it was time to cast their vote on the voting slip provided.

Two representatives in each tutor group took the votes to the library where a ballot box had been set up and once voting had closed, our librarians carefully counted the student votes.


Today the eagerly anticipated results were announced in Tutor time:      

Conservatives                                   4%
Green                                              16%
Labour                                            44%
Liberal Democrats                            7%
Plaid Cymru (The Party of Wales)     1% 
Reform                                           21%
Scottish Nationalist Party              1.3% 
Spoilt Papers                                 5.7%

Students enjoyed being able to vote and really engaged with the content.  We hoped this would be an enriching and relevant educational experience, providing students with an opportunity to learn more about how democratic processes work including campaigning, evaluating candidates and understanding different viewpoints before making informed decisions when voting.

Well done to all those who voted and to our student candidates for all their hard work and enthusiasm.