Sixth Form Update - Spring 1

Wow – another half-term has flown by and we find ourselves at the mid-point of the academic year already! I trust your children have had a good one and hope that this communication finds you well.
As this third term is drawing to a close, we are delighted to note here how our Sixth Form continues to be a highly successful one populated by terrific students who really embody our core values: commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence. All of this was manifest in the generally excellent approach seen to the Mock Exams. We are sure those very many students (a record number!) who have applied to join us in September 2025 will keep these high standards up and they can look forward to the pre-Easter Interview process - where we very much look forward to meeting with them.
The Oxford and Cambridge interview successes of two of our excellent Year 13 students will stand out for some but hopefully the below will give an indication of the rich, diverse and highly successful Sixth Form we have here at NLS.
Community Initiatives
While they are treated as young adults, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week was a focus across the school w/c February 3 and served as a focus for Tutor Time consideration in Sixth Form. In a series of interactivities, students explored ways to self-regulate and to support others. These interactivities included discussion based on case studies and videos. There were then opportunities provided for additional guided research.
It’s sometimes easy to be cynical about big corporations in modern society but it was heartening to see Disney link up with a national-level initiative (making use of the Inside Out films) to support young people in better-understanding the impact, and how to meet the challenge, of an issue which impacts us all – either directly or indirectly.
The Sixth Form Team complemented the whole-school approach with other material including advice on reactive coping mechanisms and preventative strategies - recognising that mental health issues are not constrained by age and knowledge and skill is relevant to all.
Many would argue that there is a greater need than in other years or generations to meet the challenges to mental health in young people (think social media, the impact of Covid and Lockdown, the pressures placed upon young people to take on more and more responsibility etc). It is evident from their commitment and support throughout these sessions and elsewhere that our students are determined to face these challenges to support themselves and others. Admirable traits indeed!
Data 1 and Support
Our latest data cycle (Data 1) suggests we remain on-track to secure the outstanding outcomes we achieve in the Sixth Form: for twoyears running, we’ve been the highest performing of all non-selective schools in Warwickshire and are consistently in the very top percentiles for progress (how far we move students on from their starting points) on a national basis. A great achievement!
On a ranked-basis, those students who are currently most below-target have been a focus for our internal SIT (School Improvement Team) processes. Letters issued home identify what is happening on a subject-level and on a Sixth Form-level. This ensures a holistic attention which is student-centred and which meets both academic and pastoral needs. Linked with the efforts of home and of student, this process is a vital one undertaken each full term and which supports the achievement of those outstanding outcomes which enable students to take control of their futures.
Future Pathways: UCAS Submissions and Early Entry Successes – including Oxford and Cambridge plus Level 7 Apprenticeship
We are delighted that we ultimately completed 126 UCAS applications by January’s external deadline. While it is a challenging process in some respects, it is a highlight of working in the Sixth Form – being able to share in your children’s aspirations for the future is lovely.
Of course, securing the grades to get their planned place means it is ‘now for the funny bit’ – as my bricklaying dad used to say when it got to the especially challenging part of a process!
I am sure with our on-going collective support we will ensure each and every student is successful in their endeavours.
While it is naturally about all students being given personalised information, advice and guidance which enables them to meet their own, specific intended next step destination, a shout-out to two of our students is especially apposite right now: Luke and Oliver have respectively secured places at Oxford (to study Maths) and Cambridge (to study Natural Sciences) having gone through the very exacting interview process needed for success at those specific organisations.
Elsewhere, one other (modest and therefore anonymous) student has secured a prestigious accountancy apprenticeship with Azets in York. This Level 7 Apprenticeship means the student will get support to study for a Masters’ level degree while also learning in a paid post.
Some brilliant achievements to highlight perhaps– though well done all!
Linked to this, we launched our Amazing Apprenticeships process last week (w/c Feb 10). Apprenticeships (and especially degree apprenticeships, perhaps) are a terrific means to gain experience and qualifications as well as to avoid some of the less-pleasant aspects to a university education – e.g. the tuition fees! Students explored a series of opportunities available to them through videos, research and discussion in Tutor Time.
More can be discovered here: Amazing Apprenticeships Website
Perhaps explore together with your child and see if this pathway if for them?
Enrichment Opportunities
Our Wednesday Enrichment Programme continues to offer all sorts of excellent wider curriculum opportunities – see previous bulletins. These regularised enrichment opportunities are complemented by more ad-hoc sessions: such as the recent Business Studies event whereby a recognised expert attended NLS to lead some workshops. Thanks to Mrs Sandhar and Mrs Fear for facilitation.
Elsewhere, all our Sociology students attended the Warwickshire Justice Centre in order to see first-hand the practical implementation of the crime theory they study in Sixth Form lessons.
Finally, we are delighted to share that several of our Year 12 students participated in the prestigious UK Chemistry Olympiad this term. This competition, run by the Royal Society of Chemistry, challenged students with advanced problem-solving questions that extended beyond the school curriculum, encouraging them to develop their analytical and critical-thinking skills.
Those who performed exceptionally well may be invited to further national and international rounds, representing the school at a higher level – so please watch this space!
An inaugural Biology variation on this has very recently happened – indeed, in the very last days of this term. Organised by Mrs Browne it has seen Year 12 students pit their wits against some of the most demanding post-16 challenges available to high-performing students. The plan is to build on this with a deeper experience in the summer in order to stretch & challenge all our budding biologists.
Student Leadership – Year 13 Leaving Arrangements (including Prom)
As noted above, we are somehow already over half-way through the academic year! With the end of the year in mind, this year’s Year 13 Prom will be at the Chesford Grange Hotel on 30 June 2025 – with a likely start time of 19:00 (TBC).
What has been great to see over the course of this half-term is the proactivity of our Student Leaders as they make fundraising arrangements for the final day celebrations: a yearbook students have taken total ownership of along with Mr Schofield, hoodies, wider plans – these terrific students are all playing their part to ensure the send-off is a worthy one.
Tutor Time and P.S.H.E Curriculums
In terms of the Tutor Time curriculum, and linked to the above, recent coverage in both Year 12 and Year 13 has been on Future Pathways as well as Mental Health. Meanwhile, there has been a sharp focus in Year 12 on Relationships and Diversity while in Year 13 attention has been paid to Relationships and Pregnancy.
Again, we recognise the need for skills and knowledge which equip your children with the ability to cope in a demanding world beyond NLS – it’s not all about the grades and we remain dedicated to happy, safe, confident and successful learner provision.
All of this has been supplemented with our ongoing assembly programme which has foregrounded the notion of High Challenge, Deep Support with reference to Stephen Covey’s models of self-efficacy – while also ensuring attention has been paid to important issues such as Holocaust Memorial Day and Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week.
For efforts in tutor time, across lessons and in school in general, students are accruing many rewards points in Sixth Form – which is great to see. With their college affiliation noted, here are the Top 10 in each year:
Year 12
Student | College |
James W | Binswood |
Henry J | Binswood |
Laurie F | Manor |
Luke S | Binswood |
Katie M | Croft |
Elissa W | Croft |
Harry P | Manor |
Bhavesh K | Manor |
Joe C | Park |
Nathaniel M | Binswood |
Year 13
Student | College |
Ryan F | Park |
Freddie N-S | Manor |
Diya P | Park |
Will H | Croft |
Luke R | Blackdown |
Yash T | Blackdown |
Martha C | Binswood |
Sean M | Croft |
Lilia C | Blackdown |
Jacob E | Blackdown |
New Study Facility
When a Sixth Form is increasingly successful, it perhaps inevitably follows that demand for places increases. That brings with it a demand for greater infrastructure.
We are delighted to announce that we have extended our dedicated Sixth Form study facility.
This new facility includes 20 PC workstations plus 18 study spaces – this supplements the two existing, bigger study rooms as well as the Common Room and Mezzanine. While not a dedicated Sixth Form space, students in Y12 and Y13 have all-day access to the Library as well.
As these pictures show, we now have even more study space available to those hard-working, dedicated students hungry for excellence and success!
- March 6-8 - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Training
- March 12 - Year 12 Geography Field Trip
- March 21 - Race for Life Event
- March 23-29 - India Trip (Y12)
- March 28 - Deadline for Year 12 Work Experience applications and the forms to be completed
- April 28 - Year 12 Subject Evening
If you have any queries at any point, please do make contact via the usual communication sources.
On behalf of myself, the Sixth Form Team and the school, have a terrific weekend and any half-term break you may have.
Yours sincerely
S A Taylor
Senior Assistant-Head-teacher (inc. Head of Sixth Form)