Year 10 Update - Summer 2

As we approach the end of an incredibly full and demanding year, it is a great opportunity to reflect and celebrate the accomplishments of Year 10 students. This year students have been provided a number of opportunities to enrich their school studies with a number of subject-specific trips, music and dance performances as well taking part in their final Sports Day here at NLS. The experience students have gained preparing for, and sitting, their RE GCSE, and Progression Exams will stand them in good stead as they prepare for the terminal exams next academic year. It has been a pleasure to observe and hear how students have displayed superb levels of maturity, determination and perseverance throughout this year, which has allowed them to progress not just academically but personally too.
Celebration Awards Evening
It was a real delight to present a number of Year 10 students with a range of awards at the recent Celebration Awards Evening. Prior to the event, all staff were asked to identify and nominate students for outstanding contributions in the classroom and to the wider school community. With over 100 students were nominated for a variety of reasons, such as: excellent leadership and initiatives being displayed, superb progress made in GCSE subjects, and exemplary attitudes being shown in all aspects of school life. It was a privilege to recognise the following Year 10 students.
Core Faculty (English) |
Overall Outstanding Contribution |
Andrew N |
Outstanding Contribution Nominees |
Zach T, Kim R, |
Core Faculty (Maths) |
Overall Outstanding Contribution |
Diogo R |
Outstanding Contribution Nominees |
Beth K, Hikaru K-T |
Core Faculty (Science) |
Overall Outstanding Contribution |
Lily P |
Outstanding Contribution Nominees |
Oscar H, Martin S |
Humanities Faculty |
Overall Outstanding Contribution |
Mae S |
Outstanding Contribution Nominees |
Martin S, Eva OG, Aditya Y |
Performance Faculty |
Overall Outstanding Contribution |
Joe C |
Outstanding Contribution Nominees |
Jude H, Courtney H, Miyles M |
Sports Personality |
Male |
Jack S |
Female |
Daisy G |
Year Group |
Overall Outstanding Contribution |
Martin S |
Outstanding Contribution Nominees |
Jack S, Nadia R, Kai C |
Whole School Award |
Overcoming Adversity |
Abdul N |
Our Celebration Evening news item on the website has fuller details of the evening with all award winners and pictures and can also be read here
End of Term Assembly
In our end of year Celebration Assembly a number of Year 10 students received certificates to acknowledge their achievements and successes throughout this academic year, based on effort and who had made the most progress during this period.
Certificates were awarded across three categories to the top male and female student in each College:
- Attainment (highest average points scored)
- Achievement (progress against own targets)
- Most Reward Points
The tables below show which students received which certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past year!
Tutor Commendation
The following Year 10 students were recognised by their form tutors for a variety of impressive reasons and awarded with a special certificate – well done to you all!
Summer Rewards Event
The 50 students who have achieved the highest number of reward points this term were invited to our Summer Rewards Event on Monday and enjoyed the range of inflatable hired. Congratulations and we hope they enjoyed it.
Student Leadership
I would like to extend a big “Thank you” and “Well done” to the Year 10 Student Sport Leaders; you have been amazing to work with and I am so grateful for all of your efforts this year. Events such as Sports Day would not have taken place without your enthusiasm, passion and organisation. As a result of this you provided opportunities for students in Year 7 through to Year 10 to represent their College and participate in a sporting competition.
All Year 10 students have the opportunity to apply to undertake the role of a Deputy College Leader and a Student Mentor for young members of our school community for next year. Students have been invited to complete an application form to register their interest, with the following appointments made for the new academic year in September.
Sports Day
Congratulations to students who are part of Manor College for their Sports Day victory. Year 10 students conducted themselves in an exemplary fashion all day, with the vast majority of students all taking part in a sport in the morning and some students competing in the athletics sprint events and the tug of war in the afternoon, all in pursuit of achieving points for their College. Whilst students were extremely competitive, it was great to see strong examples of sportsmanship and honesty between students of different Colleges.
Whilst Manor took the overall title, see below for a breakdown of the Year 10 Sports Day results:
Careers in Year 10 – Exploring
Our careers team are excited to share with you the career-focused activities that have been a part of our school's career education program for Year 10. Our vision is to support students in making informed choices about their futures and to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world of work.
Year 10 continue to develop their awareness of the world of careers through their Tutor Time and PHSE curriculum. Some of the careers based learning they have discovered are:
- The influence of role models and how to become a positive role model to peers (Create opportunities.)
- How to maintain a good mental health (Balance life and work.)
- How the recruitment process works through securing a work experience placement.
- The different levels of apprenticeships and the qualifications they can lead to.
Year 10 have explored Post 16, as well as some Post 18 options, and how they can lead to a range of different types of careers through:
- A careers fair that included a range of forty education, employer and training providers.
- Their subject curricula where subject teachers have shared information and real-life stories of a range of careers and routes to those careers that link to their subject.
We very much value parent/carer feedback on our careers provision and would be grateful if you would complete a short survey here as soon as possible. This will help inform us of our provision and shape working towards National Quality in Careers Award
Dates for the Diary
Year 10 GCSE Results Day
A reminder GCSE Results day for Year 10 is on Thursday 22 August.
Students are welcome to collect their results in person, they can do this at 9.30am from school. Results can only be collected by the student themselves. Any results not collected we will post home that day.
Goodbyes and Thank You
As students progress into Year 11 with a clear focus on their final GCSE exams, most students will be allocated a new form tutor. Tutor time next year will be slightly different with a range of pastoral and academic sessions to support student’s development in targeted subjects. Your child’s tutor will introduce themselves to you in the new academic year and, as always, they will be your first port of call initially for any queries you may have. I will continue my role of Head of Year with your child and Mr. Atkins will also be a key figure in supporting students throughout next year.
With these changes, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Year 10 tutors this year for all of their hard work and support.
As Year 10 draws to a close, I would like also like to thank all parents and carers for your support this year. It has been wonderful to work with you to ensure the best outcomes for your child are achieved. I wish you all a well-deserved and relaxing summer break - I look forward to continuing to work with you next year.
Mr. Butler
Year 10 Lead