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Year 10 Update - Autumn 2

Year 10 students continue to build upon their positive start to Year 10 as they are beginning to manage the challenges and pressures of their GCSE subjects which they demonstrated superbly in the recent mock RE exam. It was really pleasing to see a large number of pupils engage in the revision sessions put on by their RE teachers and this attitude will stand them in good stead in the future when other subjects present similar opportunities. It has also been great to see a wide range of pupils engaging positively with all aspects of school life, with a number of students taking part in the Winter Music Concert, our Remembrance service, the College Sports Football and Netball Event as well as attending the ‘NLS Has the X Factor’ charity event.


College Sports
Year 10 Sports Leaders were tasked to put together a team for their college from Years 7 to 10 to compete in a football and netball tournament.
It was great to see so many students take part in this after-school event, to represent their College and demonstrate excellent competitiveness and sportsmanship.





NLS Careers Fair
We were delighted to be able to host over 30 local and national education establishments and employers as part of our Careers Fair for Year 9-11 on 15th November. Each student received a booklet with brief information about each provider and were tasked with finding out a little more about them. We are very much hoping that the encounters will help them to start thinking more about what they would like to do when they leave school.

Reward & Celebration Events
As always, we concluded the term with a couple of reward and celebration events. The top 50 students with the most rewards points within the year group were invited to a Rewards Celebration Event last week where pupils were treated to popcorn and a film in the lecture theatre.

In our end of term Celebration Assembly, a number of Year 10 students received certificates to acknowledge their achievements and successes from the Autumn Term between Data 1 (September to December 2022). Certificates were awarded across three categories to the top 2 students in each college:

  • Achievement (progress against own targets)
  • Attainment (highest average points scored)
  • Most Reward Points

The tables below show which students received which certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past term!

 The following students have been commended by their Form Tutors for outstanding contributions to school life. This recognition is as a result of attributes such as consistently high attitude to learning demonstrated in lessons, excellent leadership and outstanding progress at Data point 1. Well done to you all!

Freya D - 10BD01
Sophie M -10BD02
Ethan H -10BW01
Onika B - 10BW02
Elissa -10CT01
Katie M-10CT02
Keegan B- 10MR01
Toby T- 10MR02
Lauren D -10PK01
Jazz P- 10PK02

Tutor Time
During our tutor time sessions this half-term, Year 10 students have covered a range of important topics and events. The focus has been Exploring World Issues by Celebrating Diversity and Equality with tutors and student leaders delivering sessions relating to topics such as International Organisations and Brexit. As part of our International School status, students spent a week learning about school life at Anjuman I’Islam Girls High School, our partner school in Mumbai, India. 

Students also celebrated Anti-Bullying Week in November with activities based around ‘Reach Out’, and the different roles within bullying, culminating in students showing their support for anti-bullying by wearing odd socks to school to promote individuality, tolerance and acceptance. 

Students have also experienced sessions based around Digital Literacy which provided a recap in to using online software such as the school website, online school portal, printers and photocopiers.

In the build up to Christmas, a Christmas Hamper Appeal was launched, where each Year 10 tutor group was asked to put together a  hamper to be donated within the local community. The hamper could be donated to an elderly neighbour, a local care home or to a family who may benefit from extra provisions to allow them to enjoy the festive period. Students were also invited to wear a Christmas jumper on Friday 9th December to raise money for Save the Children charity.

PSHE Lessons
During the next half term (January 2023 to February 2023), Year 10 students will be looking at Relationships and Sex Education in their PSHE lessons, which will be delivered by Miss McGwinn and her team.

Date for the Diary
Year 10 Subject Evening will be on Monday 27th February 2023.

Message to Parents and Carers
As the first term comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support so far this academic year. Like you, I want the very best for your child and working together is the key to achieving this. As we enter the winter season, I ask for your continued support with high standards of uniform; please ensure that your child is not wearing items such as hoodies or non-branded NLS jumpers to school because they will be asked to remove them. Student attendance and punctuality will continue to be a key focus as, along with uniform, these World Class Basics really do have an impact on student achievement.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mr. Butler