Head Teacher's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we close our first term of the year, we once again reflect on just how quickly events move on here at school but also on both the national and global stages. A huge congratulation to the new Year 12 students, Year 7 students and six students from Ukraine who are now very much established within our community. All our students have moved on to a different phase of their education and constantly grow because of their new experiences and challenges and our leavers from Year 11 and 13 are now in further education, training or employment. Yet amongst these movements I am comforted by the constant; our school continues to be the hub for our local community, we will be ever present and young people at whatever phase will always have their school as an anchor in what may seem a very turbulent and changing world.
To that end I would direct to you the Winter Wellness resource and our family support page https://www.northleamington.co.uk/student-life/student-support/mental-health/family-support on our website which signposts our current mechanisms of wider support. We continue to assess this offer so please do complete our feedback survey to help us continue to effectively grow this resource. Parent Survey
The Department for Education yesterday updated the schools and college performance data website to include this year’s performance measures https://www.find-school-performance-data.service.gov.uk/ . We are extremely proud of our student outcomes, the website will now no longer allow direct comparisons to other schools given the disproportionate effects of Covid but it’s still a very useful tool to see the outcomes of individual schools.
Please do read the many wonderful articles and stories in the bulletin, congratulations to students in the Binswood College who currently lead the way. This year’s student leaders have all been appointed and already are making a difference here at school from supporting key events, leading change through student voice and supporting our wider curriculum activities and events such as the coffee morning which was held on Friday 14th October. Annually we support the Macmillan Coffee Morning with our Year 9 Charity Leaders. Students from all year groups brought in a range of cakes/sweet treats to be sold for this fantastic cause and managed to raise over £400. Thank you so much to those parents/carers who supported students! All who contributed to the bake sale with cakes etc. will be rewarded with an R3 to recognise their contributions to Charity and Community.
At school we continue to push and challenge our young people academically; Year 11 students have now completed their first full set of core mock exams and in all lessons we strive to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum. School also delivers far more than the final set of exam outcomes. The educational visits, competitive events and extracurricular activities are just some of the wider activities that help build a more rounded individual.
You may recall I advertised for any new applications for school Governors - thank you to those who responded, we have shortlisted three and I will update you with full details when the process is completed. Please do take note of the school calendar for next term, it’s a very busy one with key events such as the 6th Form Open evening and Year 11 Subject evening.
Have a great half term, enjoy the time as a family.
Many thanks
Mike Lowdell
Head Teacher
| 03 Oct 2022 | |
17 Oct 2022 At this time of year those students who have submitted UCAS applications for courses at Oxbridge or Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine/ Science are now looking ahead and preparing for the next steps, one of which will be an interview. | 18 Oct 2022 NLS is happy to announce the return of our annual Winter Concert on Tuesday the 29th of November, from 18:30 - 20:00 |
| 17 Oct 2022 I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate again what a fantastic start to the academic year all students in Year 7 have made. Students have made the challenging transition into secondary school life exceedingly well and are now fully integrated into our school community | |
| 17 Oct 2022 WHAT A START FOR OUR YEAR 8s. | |
17 Oct 2022 The Year 9s return to school has been fantastic; the Year 9 team are really pleased the majority of students are wearing their uniform to a high standard, have a positive attitude towards their learning and are engaged in their KS4 options. This is a really important year as they begin their KS4 jou... | 14 Oct 2022 A belated warm welcome back to all Year 10 students and I hope you all had a great summer. Whilst the summer break may seem a distant memory, Year 10 students have made an excellent start back to school as they continue with their GCSE journey. The year ahead will be an extremely important one for s... |
| 13 Oct 2022 The more effort you give, the more commitment you show, the more opportunities you’ll make, the further you’ll go. | |
| 14 Oct 2022 It’s been a terrific opening term and we are really proud of how our students have made their respective transitions in to Year 12 and Year 13. We have had 125 students join us in the new cohort and we are delighted to welcome those new to NLS from other schools (15), those who stayed with us... | |
Each week we collate the Reward points and update the totals for the highest average points.
Congratulations to Binswood for taking first place at the end of this half-term!
Student College Leaders
At the start of this term our College Leaders were appointed and we are delighted to introduce them. Their role is an important one in supporting their College and Year Leads with a range of activities throughout the academic year which can include presenting in assemblies and helping with specific activities.
A key aim of the role is to promote College identify, engagement and spirit.
Senior Student Leaders
More specific leadership roles are covered within our Year 13 Senior Student & Assistant Senior Student Leader roles and we are also delighted to share our team for this year.
Senior Student Leaders – Isabella J & Shameer M
ASSL Wellbeing & Mentoring – Eleanor R & Grace M
ASSL Diversity & Equality – Issy G & Josie H
ASSL Charity & Community – Jenny B & Ellie D
ASSL Careers & Life Skills – Ruby P
ASSL Sports – Rowan M & Ava B
ASSL Marketing – Shrutti N
| 17 Oct 2022 Staffing Changes in EnglishA new academic year has brought in a few new changes to the English department at North Leamington. The department is now under the leadership of Mrs Wright with Mrs Wilson leading KS3 and two of our new members of staff, Miss Williams (Leader for KS4) and Mr Barrett (Le... | |
Our A Level Geographers enjoyed a field trip to Grantchester on Wednesday 5th October 2022.
As part of the Changing Spaces, Making Places topic they were able to experience first-hand a case study and collected data and carried out a focus group with key village residents.
A visit to the Sedgewick Museum in Cambridge, supported both the Coasts and Hazards topics later in their studies before finishing the day with a punting tour of the Cambridge Colleges.
| 04 Oct 2022 Year 7 & Y8 DramaStudents in KS3 are following a programme of learning that explores an introduction to Drama. As part of the course they have been established relationships within the group to create an effective group ensemble and complete activities that help them to build their confidenc... | |
The Faraday Challenge
On Wednesday 5th October, the following Year 8 students attended the Faraday Science Challenge at Kenilworth School:
Ella Christie, Evie Elliot, Sam Tattam, Edouard Scherrer, Paulina Sielaczek and Ava Thompson.
Well done to these amazing students for completing the challenge. They did a great job to work as engineers which involved them designing, developing and building their own working prototype. Then they presented their work and explained the plan for future development.
The challenge was run by the Institute of Engineering and it was a great opportunity for them to develop their skills.
| 12 Oct 2022 Welcome to the first NLS PE parent bulletin of the 2022-23 academic year. We would like to start by saying just how fantastic it has been to once again see a buzzing PE department. It has been great to see large numbers of students participating in a range of extra-curricular clubs and fixtures so f... | |
EAL Department
A group of NLS Ukrainian students attended an event at Brookhurst Primary School and helped younger Ukrainian students to complete a leaf hunt, build hammocks and toast marshmallows! Special thanks to Polina Kaliuzhna (Y7) and Roman Baboi (Y9) for their amazing support.
Can you speak another language? We are looking for parents with a good level of English and another language (e.g. Portuguese, Polish, Ukrainian) who would like to volunteer as Parent Ambassadors to help welcome newly arrived parents to the school. For more information please contact hshelton@northleamington.co.uk.
We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of our work of bringing the world into the classroom.
The International School Award celebrates the achievement of schools that do exceptional work in international education.
Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need for life work in today’s world.
As part of our International work our Year 7 students attended a trip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens this week. They had a fabulous time, facing their fears and holding a giant snail, snake and bearded dragon. They also worked in groups to complete a rainforest challenge, learning more about rainforests and why they are so important. This was a great opportunity for our Year 7s to build relationships with their tutor group and to try new things. They were excellent ambassadors for NLS and a credit to the school
We offer a wide range of amazing extra-curricular opportunities to students. Please see below for a full list of our opportunities and more detailed information regarding each club is available on the extra-curricular page
| 17 Oct 2022 Four of our Year 9 students attended a course held at Loughborough University, run by the Smallpiece Trust, dedicated towards the endeavour of getting girls interested and involved within engineering. We are really proud of Gabi, Laura, Bethan and Katie and they share their experiences in the follow... | |
Modern Foreign Languages - Our Competition Winners
To celebrate European Day of Languages on Monday 26th September students were tasked to produce a piece of art in style of one of the European greatest artists or recreate a famous European structure using spaghetti, marshmallows, jelly babies, paper clips or matchsticks.
Our winners, based on their creativity, effort and how realistic / close they were to the original artist or landmark, are below with their fantastic creations of the Eiffel Tower, and paintings in the style of Van Gogh and Picasso.
Attendance and Punctuality
We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that all of our students have the best possible attendance at school. A high level of attendance is essential for students to reach their full educational achievement, future aspirations, and to assist their social development. Any absence from school means that a learner is missing vital education; research shows that this has a negative impact on attainment.
Parents, carers and school staff share the responsibility for ensuring that the law is upheld, by supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all.
This principles outlined in this policy are applicable for learners in all year groups at North Leamington School.
Please see our updated Attendance and Punctuality page, which includes an FAQs section here
Online Safety
Our latest Online Safety Newsletter contains current, relevant information on apps, websites and trends to be aware of. It also includes tips about keeping young people safe online.
You can find our previous our Online Safety Newsletters on our website here